Kodak 3D Slicer Software Download for Windows and Macintosh Operating Systems.
You can use any properly configured slicer program with your KODAK Portrait 3D printer, but we strongly recommend that you use our KODAK 3D Slicer, which already has all the optimized presets you need.
Kodak 3D Slicer Software Downloads
Desktop slicers install these on your PC or Mac in order to slice objects without using the cloud.
Operating System (s) : Windows 10 (32-bit,64-bit), Windows 8.1/8 (32-bit,64-bit), Windows 7 (32-bit,64-bit)
Version: 3.6.6
Operating System (s) : Mac OS 10.11 or higher, 64 bit
- Kodak 3D Slicer Mac Software – Download (82.2MB)
Operating System (s) : Linux, Ubuntu 14.04 or higher, 64 bit
- Kodak 3D Slicer Linux Software – Download (133MB)
Release notes: Improvements in print profiles, Improved UI experience, Show graphically the print area for each hot end, Monitor mode removed.
Similarly, you can download Kodak Capture Pro Software for your other Kodak Products.
Last Updated on April 1, 2021

i cant donwload the software